
A thank you to those on the frontlines during COVID-19

From all of us at Pennoni, we’d like to take a moment to express how grateful we are for the sacrifices that every healthcare worker, military member, law enforcement member, EMS, fire department, service industry workers — at pharmacies, grocery stores, take-out restaurants, gas stations, etc. — and everyone else who is out on the frontlines of this pandemic are making each and every day. We thank all of you for risking your health to ensure we are safe, healthy, and able to purchase the essentials to keep ourselves and our families going during this difficult time. Your service doesn’t go unnoticed and we appreciate each and every one of you and will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

Around the globe there have been stories of this gratitude and we wanted to share a few:

  • The Ohio Department of Transportation has announced it has started lighting bridges
    across the state in red, white and blue to say “thank you” to its front-line workers during the coronavirus pandemic.
  • New Yorkers are showing their support for workers on the frontline of the coronavirus
    outbreak on a nightly basis. A new movement, #ClapBecauseWeCare, has seen frontline workers across the city serenaded with rousing rounds of applause to thank them for their hard work and dedication. This movement has spread to Florida and other states as well.
  • New Jersey residents took the initiative to serve meals to local health care workers who are
    fighting the coronavirus outbreak, their effort evolved into a nationwide effort called First Line Appreciation Group. This initiative has been emulated in groups in North Carolina.

At Pennoni, many of our employees, family members and friends are also volunteering and/or working under these conditions, so we understand the sacrifices you are all making.

As this pandemic continues, we will continue to offer our thanks to those in our communities, throughout the country, and around the world.

Please continue to be vigilant, follow the CDC guidelines, keep yourselves safe, and as always let us know if there’s any way we can be of assistance during these difficult and evolving times.

David DeLizza, President & CEO


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