Evolving Capabilities
Ever-expanding with growing businesses
The City of Miami Beach required a 3D animation of the 63rd Street corridor project from the intersection with N. Bay Road to the intersection with Collins Avenue. The animation focuses primarily on the East-West portion of 63rd Street and depicts existing and proposed conditions. The animation will serve as a visual aid during key team and stakeholder meetings to demonstrate the proposed concept improvements, as well as showcasing the anticipated flow of pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic. The project is being performed by the City of Miami Beach as part of a corridor-wide complete streets initiative to improve safety and user experience for pedestrians and cars alike. The project includes new bus shelters and dedicated bus lanes, as well as buffered bicycle and pedestrian sidewalks.
Pennoni served as the prime consultant for the design of this $419 million, 11.5-acre CAP in Philadelphia. Pennoni led the team and provided traffic, ...
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Pennoni led the design rehabilitation of DelDOT Bridge 1-655 and improvements to the SR7 corridor in the vicinity of the bridge. Our PFX Studios devel...
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The Northeast Brandywine River Living Shoreline Project involves approximately 1,800 linear feet of stream bank restoration and aquatic habitat enhanc...
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