Pennoni President and CEO Anthony Bartolomeo, PE, ENV SP, Dist.M.ASCE, has been honored with inclusion in ASCE’s 2018 class of Distinguished Members. This honor is bestowed for visionary practice and business insight of the highest caliber in integrating innovative solutions that address the social, financial, ethical, and legal challenges in today’s built environment.
The highest honor available to civil engineers, the title of Distinguished Member is given to only a small group annually who have attained excellence in some branch of engineering or in the arts and sciences related thereto, including the fields of engineering education and construction. ASCE has chosen only ten members in their Class of 2018. It is noteworthy that only 697 civil engineers in the 166-year history of ASCE have been similarly honored, and there are only 239 Distinguished Members among the Society’s current membership of over 150,000 people worldwide.
Tony is a member and former chair of the Industry Leaders Council. During his tenure, the group developed a brisk call-to-action for the civil engineering profession, now nationally recognized as the ASCE Grand Challenge. The Challenge asks all civil engineers to join in finding the solution to significantly enhance the performance and value of infrastructure projects over their life cycles by 2025, and to foster the optimization of infrastructure investments for society.
In recognition of his efforts, Tony received the ASCE President’s Medal in 2014; the 2016 ASCE Presidents’ Award; and last year, the ASCE Outstanding Leaders lifetime achievement award for management. These awards acknowledge his ongoing commitment to encouraging youth to attain 21st-century skills and postsecondary education. Other awards include the Outstanding Director Award from the Philadelphia Business Journal.
ASCE explains that Tony is the ideal candidate, saying, “His impeccable character and sense of purpose have aided him in over 40 years of experience, which has seen him grow an engineering company and, with that, the development of relationships among federal, state, and local governments and the communities that the firm serves. All of this has had a stake in the success of major civil infrastructure projects. He is well respected in the local business community and the A/E/C industry as a whole.”
For more information on the honor Tony is receiving, please visit http://www.asce.org/distinguished_members/.